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Know Your Customer 

The Critical Role of Audio Analytics 
in Robocall Threat Mitigation Programs 

The case is made with this paper that there is a pressing need for analytics as part of every robocall mitigation plan in support of FCC mandates and the TRACED Act and to fully execute the mission to better protect consumers. More specifically, analytics adds value to Know Your Customer (KYC) processes by providing the critically important behavior monitoring dimension.


STIR/SHAKEN + Analytics = 
Know Your Customer and Behaviors (KYCB)

This paper informs the reader about the relationship between wanted and unwanted robocalls, legal vs. illegal call spoofing and solutions for identifying spoofed and/or unwanted robocalls. This includes a critical assessment of STIR/SHAKEN and its functional limitations as compared to robocall analytics. The role of call authentication and verification vs. analytics is considered with arguments for why STIR/SHAKEN alone is not enough.

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STIR/SHAKEN + Analytics = 
Know Your Customer and Behaviors (KYCB)

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